23 May 2021

Grow Your Business With The QLD Government Business Basics Grant

https://youtu.be/Uo6qXziJlP0 Do you need extra money to help your business grow? If you’re a small business in Queensland, you could be in luck. The Queensland Government has announced a new $10 million Business Basics Grant program, which..


Do you need extra money to help your business grow?

If you’re a small business in Queensland, you could be in luck. The Queensland Government has announced a new $10 million Business Basics Grant program, which supports small businesses across the state in grants of up to $5,000. Eligible small businesses will be able to use this grant to increase core skills and adopt best practices into the business.

There’s no better time than now to reinvest in your business as the pandemic continues to rage. Now more than ever, you have the opportunity to prove yourself and prove your worth to potential clients. This program is a terrific opportunity for small businesses to access funds to improve basic capabilities. 

The government understands small businesses need support now more than ever. To keep communities strong and thriving, companies need to put the money into activities to help their business grow and move forward. But with limited funds, there isn’t always those options. This Business Basic Grant will give small business owners the ability to put towards activities that will help with growth. The fund will help support various activities; however, some activities are not eligible to be undertaken. 

The eligible activities are centred around five key priority areas are:

  • Training and coaching. Which could include business development, marketing, human resources or business planning topics
  • Website build or upgrades. This could consist of a website build or upgrade, adding an e-commerce site or developing new website content 
  • Professional business advice. Which could consist oft of business plans
  • Strategic marketing services. Which could include strategic marketing plans including SEO advice
  • Business continuity and succession. Which could consist of cyber safety training and tools or business continuity or succession plans

The activities that are non-eligible and will not be funded are: 

  • General business operating costs, for example, bookkeeping
  • Real estate or rental fees
  • The purchase of stock
  • GST, registration, and fees
  • Maintenance of existing digital technologies
  • Computer hardware, for example, laptops, 
  • Staff salaries
  • Your website hosting
  • Advertising campaign delivery, for example, Google AdWords or Facebook advertising.

The program opens on 31 May 2021, and guidelines for the program are now available.

Are you eligible for the grant? 

Knowing if you qualify, applying for the funding and allocating the funds can be confusing and challenging. Get in touch with us today; we can determine if you are eligible and help you plan where to place the funds to get the best return. 

If you want to grow your business with marketing experts, contact us today to learn more about our unique outsourced marketing approach.

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