
The Role of Mobile in the Consumer Journey

November 18, 2020 , 3 minutes
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Australians spend more time on mobile devices every day, and not just for games and social media. Mobile devices have now become a key part of the customer journey, from product research to making purchases. People use smartphones and tablets to share our retail experiences on social media and post reviews as well.

the role of mobile in the consumer journey

If your business isn’t taking advantage of mobile, you’re missing out on the largest market in the world. Here’s how it fits into the customer journey.

Product research goes mobile

According to research, 84% of Australian internet users search online for products each month. When you consider that Australia has around 22.3 million internet users, that’s around 18.7 million people looking up products before they buy. 

While not all of this is done using a mobile device, you can bet that a large amount of it is. How many times have you looked up some product reviews on your phone while watching TV or commuting? 

For many people, their phones are always with them. Product research is easy on mobile, saving customers the need to wait until they’re in front of a laptop or desktop computer. 

mobiles a the consumer journey

Users are also taking advantage of voice control and voice searches, thanks to improvements in search engine technology. The amount of people using voice searches every month now sits at around 45%.

Browsing for the best deals

Naturally, everybody wants a great deal. Customers use their mobile devices to search for products and compare prices. It’s simple and much easier than driving all around town looking at individual stores.

Besides, people use their mobiles while in brick and mortar stores, either to compare prices or research a product. This is because they often want to view a product in person but buy it online if they can find a cheaper deal.

mobile browsing

Making purchases online

Statistics show that around 33% of Australians use a mobile phone to make a purchase each month. Therefore, to ensure that customers can access your products from a mobile device, you should make sure that your website is mobile responsive. This allows customers to quickly and easily find information about your products and services wherever they are.

The other way is to create a mobile app for your brand, which has even more far-reaching benefits. You can engage with customers more easily, notify them of special deals, and also let them retain account information for quick and easy purchases. 

mobile purchases

Post-sale engagement

The role of mobile in the customer journey doesn’t stop when a purchase is made. Following a sale, customers use mobile devices to track their deliveries. They may also engage with your company on social media to share their experience. Customers will also post reviews, which of course you hope are positive.

After a sale, you can seek customer feedback either through a mobile app or email. You can also send them emails to keep them updated and give them deals to encourage them to buy your products again.

Therefore, mobile plays a key part in the customer journey from start to finish. It is extremely important for businesses to come up with marketing strategies that tailor to customer’s mobile experience. 

Contact our experts at Cemoh if you need help with mobile marketing. Personalised, targeted campaigns aligned with your business needs are our specialty.